Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Something new....

I have been thinking about deleting my Facebook page for awhile now as I was just getting tired of it.
Because in the past year alone, it has done the following things to me:

Number of times it has caused me to hate an acquaintance just a little bit more by reading their unnecessary status updates: 281

Number of times it has given me the unsettling feeling of being left out by looking at pictures of my friends at parties I wasn't able to make it to: 198.

Number of times it has delayed my emotional progress by allowing me to lurk no good, very bad people I’ve cut from my life: 304.

Number of times I’ve felt paranoid that Mark Zuckerberg has sold my identity to a marketing company in Asia: 70.

Number of hours I have spent just staring in anticipation of that red number to come up and indicate I have a new message: THAT IS PRIVATE AND SHAMEFUL INFORMATION. LEAVE ME ALONE.

So I came up with a pros & cons list to help me decide whether I should or not and these are what I came up with:

Pro: I will be an overall more productive person
Con: I will be a very bored productive person.

Pro: I will no longer have to read status updates from a girl in my high school about it being a beautiful day in Fresno today.
Con: I will no longer be able to laugh at status updates from a girl in my high school about it being a beautiful day in Fresno today.

Pro: I don’t know anything about my exes.
Con: I don’t know anything about my exes.

Pro: I will not have to field invitations from some event promoter about his party.
Con: I might miss an invite to an actual party I want to go to. And people won’t bother to tell me in person because they’ll assume I have a Facebook. OMG, we are just all technology’s bitch!

Pro: My family members on Facebook will no longer know about the times I get drunk and make an ass of myself.
Con: There is absolutely no con to that.

Pro: I will no longer become unhealthily consumed with people I don’t know.
Con: Strangers will no longer be able to get unhealthily consumed with me.

Pro: I will have an air of mystery about me.
Con: People might forget that I exist.

Con: I will lose contact and be unable to easily share photos of Caitlyn & myself with family & close friends (I could not think of a pro)

People forgetting about my existence is one of the things that really gets to me. If I went to a party or on a vacation (ha!) and didn’t document it on my Facebook, did it really happen? Does it just chip away at my presence as a human being and force me to wear an invisibility cloak? I know all of this is crap. I know that I don’t even really lurk my close friends on Facebook. It’s the people on the periphery who get to stick around past their expiration date.
All of this rhetoric is making me want to simultaneously delete my Facebook and check to see if I have any new messages.

So, to solve my issue I decided to create this blog. Most people are too lazy to follow a personal blog and so I figure the ones who are actually interested in me & Caitlyn's life will follow. And those are the only ones who really matter anyway. :)
So this is where I'll be now. I don't know how it will go, how often I will post, or if I'll just end up bailing on the whole thing eventually and going back to Facebook. I make no promises.
But if you want to stay connected to this blog, all you have to do is put your email address in the "Subscribe to IN A NUTSHELL via email" box and you will get an update through your email whenever I post something new. Or you can just type in the URL:

Also, you can access all my pictures, even the ones I don't post directly to this page, by clicking on the Flickr badge.


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